
Epiphany Experience (DATES TO BE ANNOUNCED):

Epiphany Experience hosted by Instruments of Infinity


Includes the Gene Keys course material for the Epiphany Experience

$49 if you already own the Gene Keys course.

Facilitated by Gene Keys Guides

This is an intensive experience.

It will last 4 hours (with a break) on a Saturday and 3 hours on a Sunday over a weekend.

Why is the price of the Epiphany Experience with Instruments of Infinity $129?

We set our pricing via the golden ratio (phi). Gene Keys courses are the foundation of our offering; we add additional value to the experience.

Components of Courses

Water Responds to Energy, Thought, Intention:

Masura Emoto showed over and over that intention/consciousness can affect the structure of water.

Instruments of Infinity applies this insight via Water Patterning - using symbols on water containers to imbue the water with energetic resonance.

Example (Gene Key 16) of the reusable stickers to apply to any glass for patterning water with a Gene Key archetype.

The complete yogic breath, from The Science of Breath by Yogi Ramacharaka, is a foundation of the merkaba activation meditation.

Merkaba as a method for Energetic Contemplation

Supplementing the Mental, Emotional, and Physical contemplation taught and described in Richard Rudd’s Art of Contemplation, Instruments of Infinity explains the etheric / energetic contemplation, and guides students through the process of using this as a way to enhance one’s contemplative practice.

The 17-breath method of activating the merkaba with a series of visualizations and breathing techniques is shared. Once this foundation is learned, the technique is adapted to energetically encode a single hexagram into the human lightbody (merkaba) for extended contemplation of that Archetype.

The Sacred Geometry of space-time and the harmonic zero-point energy.

Space-time itself has a structure at the Planck scale - 64 tetrahedral in shape (see above).

ARK crystals effectively structure water with the harmonic zero-point energy of the vacuum fluctuations. This is accomplished via Precision Geometric Quartz - crystal created in the same shape as the geometry of the space-time fabric.

Instruments of Infinity offers experimental, affordable access to this energy frequency via Herkimer Diamond (double terminated quartz) attunement stones that have been entrained with ARK crystals for 13 days. See the description of our experiments here.

(Note: because these are experimental, these stones included in courses that we offer at no additional cost. Anyone interested in obtaining one of these stones outside of taking an Instruments of Infinity course can contact to request a stone at cost, simply paying shipping and the purchase price paid for the Herkimer Diamond. )

Gene Keys, Sacred Geometry, & The Qabala

The Gene Keys Golden Path fits perfectly onto the Tree of Life super-imposed on the Flower of Life Pattern. The correspondence between the spheres on the Gene Keys Golden Path and the Sephira of the Qabalistic Tree of Life are a potent source of deeper insight.


Reiki is at its core, the innate human ability to allow the Universal, Intelligent, Benevolent energy to flow through the body and cause improvements health, mood, energy, and the evolution of consciousness.


Instruments of Infinity would like anyone who is interested in taking a course to be able to do so, regardless of financial circumstance. Discounts are available for anyone who asks - reducing prices to the costs of materials. If someone is interested in taking a course and can’t cover the cost of materials a small number of full scholarships are available to be able to take a course without cost (the number of scholarships will grow over time as percentage of the proceeds from courses sold are dedicated to this purpose).

To ask for the discount or apply for a full scholarship, please email .